21 Day Vegan Challenge Support Thread (March)
If you are joining the 21-day challenge for March 2014, this is the thread where you will post your before and after shots, your goals for the challenge, share tips on how to stay motivated, and any other techniques or resources utilized to help you be successful.
Remember, behavioral scientists say it takes 21 days to change a habit. We’re hoping by the end of this challenge, your health and what you put into your body will be your top priority, and a habit you keep for years to come.
In your initial post, be sure to include the following information:
- Your first name
- Gender
- Age (optional)
- Current eating patterns (meat eater, vegetarian, heavy junk food, soda drinker, martini or beer lover, etc.)
- Why you signed up for the March 2014 21-day Vegan Kickstart Challenge
- What you anticipate will be your three biggest challenges to staying on track
- How you plan to conquer those challenges
- Any other information that you wish to share to help us know you better
Upload a full length and headshot (optional) photos using the UPLOAD feature below. Please make sure your image is portrait, not horizontal. If you need to modify it before uploading, try FOTOFLEXER, RIBBET, or PHIXR. Make them no larger than 500 pixels in either direction.
Okay, here we go! Let’s have some fun!
Shopping List for Transitioning to Vegan
PCRM 21 Day Vegan Kickstart Meal Plan – Includes links to shopping list for the 21 Day Kickstart, gluten free options, and how to use the 21 Day Kickstart plan.
Category: 21 Day Journey
Your first name: Robin
Gender: Female
Age : 50
Current eating patterns (meat eater, vegetarian, heavy junk food, soda drinker, martini or beer lover, etc.): 96% Vegan
Why you signed up for the March 2014 21-day Vegan Kickstart Challenge: I loved the results from the February Challenge and wanted to learn and share more.
What you anticipate will be your three biggest challenges to staying on track: Planning menus, keeping the fridge and cabinets stocked.
How you plan to conquer those challenges: working on time management
Any other information that you wish to share to help us know you better: Pasta is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOOD! I am have been trying to limit three carbs that love me; pasta, rice and bread.
I would like to loose weight
I am a stress eater especially at late night
manage eating habits
feel healthier
53 years old, Male, Omnivore
Signed up because I really need to clean out my body and a vegan diet is good place to start.
My biggest challenge will be getting a balanced diet full of all the right amounts of carbs, fats, proteins, EFAs, vitamins, and minerals.
I’ll need to really plan my meals in advance in order to eat vegan for 21 days.
Here’s my basic meal plan for this week: For breakfast, I’ll have some combination of fruit (apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, grapefruit, etc.) and oatmeal. For lunch, I’ll have a huge salad of greens (spinach, kale, or some kind of lettuce) with one or more of the following: broccoli, onions, bell peppers, cucumbers, avocado, tomatoes, sprouts, green onions, green peas, red beans, garbanzos, carrots, zucchini, mushrooms, and sunflower seeds . For dinner, it’s Quinoa or brown rice and beans (red, black, kidney, white, or black eyed) with one or more of the following: broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, green beans, green peas, asparagus, zucchini, and mushrooms.
Your first name-Char
Current eating patterns-I mostly eat clean (lots of veggies, fruit, green smoothies, juices) but love salty/sweet snacks. Three or four times a year I eat “vegetarian” for a month at a time. Want to try more raw eating and vegan for a change
Why you signed up for the March 2014 21-day Vegan Kickstart Challenge-I have PCOS and insulin resistance and I need to refrain from breads, meat, and starchy foods. I want to regulate my hormones without medication (Glumetza,Metformin) and hopefully this will kick start my weight loss journey (goal weight is 150)
What you anticipate will be your three biggest challenges to staying on track-eating vegan and cooking for my husband who IS NOT eating vegan :); wacky hormones, and salty/sweet snack cravings
How you plan to conquer those challenges-preparation and organization (have my food handy so not tempted while cooking for hubby)
Any other information that you wish to share to help us know you better-I love a challenge
Just wanted to share – I made a curried chickpeas and spinach last night. It was good. I made rice for my daughter to add to her plate. I am temporarily off rice, bread and pasta. So, I ate just the curried chickpeas and spinach. I need to tweak the recipe a bit. My attempts to add more chickpeas and spinach did not include adding more of the spices. (Don’t know what I was thinking.) My daughter, who is a vegetarian, liked it. I can always test my attempts at new recipes on her. This is the link to the recipe if your interested; http://www.vikingrange.com/consumer/lifestyle/recipe.jsp?id=prod9610208.